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Support the Cold Case Foundation
Forensic Fundraiser!
Get your Autographed Copy of "Predators"Signed by Greg Cooper - All Proceeds go to the Cold Case Foundation Forensic Fundraiser. We are raising $10,000 to pay for forensic testing for a number of cold case homicides we are assisting on.
"Predators: Who They Are and How to Stop Them" explores serial offenders, their crimes and how they think. What makes these individuals more dangerous than their instinctive wildlife counterparts, however, is that they consciously choose to inflict their will on the more vulnerable members of their own species. To protect our loved ones and ourselves requires that we truly educate ourselves about the predators who live in our society and then take appropriate action. This excellent, in-depth study will help readers lead safer lives. For a limited time you can get this updated, autographed copy for $100, and support Forensic Testing on real cases! |