Death Notifications: Delivering an Offensive Message in the Least Offensive Manner
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There is one job that no one in Law Enforcement or the Military wants to preform; Death Notifications. But the fact remains, it must be done. Imagine a world in which no one was ever informed of the death of a loved one. Instead, one day someone's wife, brother, son, or mother simply disappears. As traumatic as it is to hear the news that someone you love has died, it would be far worse to spend the rest of your life wondering what happened to them.
Dean L. Jackson has personally delivered this message more than 300 times over the course of his career. It's never easy for the messenger, but doing it the wrong way can make it a hell of a lot harder than it has to be.
This study edition provides space for the reader to make notes.
Dean L. Jackson has personally delivered this message more than 300 times over the course of his career. It's never easy for the messenger, but doing it the wrong way can make it a hell of a lot harder than it has to be.
This study edition provides space for the reader to make notes.